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What is a Full Stack Network Engineer?
Paol avatar
Written by Paol
Updated over 3 years ago

A full-stack network engineer is a new breed of network engineer that companies are desperately needing. These professionals are trained in all areas of IT including routing, switching, wireless, security, data center, cloud,automation, virtualization and voice over IP. 

Why they are needed:
Companies are having to outsource part of their IT operations or hire extra personnel because their current network engineers are only versed on a few areas of IT, which forces them to incur on extra costs and depend on third party service providers. All of this could be avoided if their network engineers were versed on the full-stack of networking technologies. 

Why are they better:
FSNE's can enable companies to streamline operations and reduce outsourcing costs. They do this by understanding how all the components of a network work together, asking the right questions and solving problems across areas, and keeping operations in house or speeding up any outsourcing processes.

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